Add this optional feature to your merchant account to set and manage repeating or subscription-based transactions. Create ARB payments manually or have your clients choose them at checkout on your web form.

Your Payments - On Auto-Pilot

Take advantage of Automated Recurring Billing's flexible features to enhance customer loyalty, reduce authorization declines, and lower administrative costs.


To utilize ARB, you create a subscription in the merchant interface including the customer's payment information, a billing amount and payment schedule. You can also allow your online customers to choose installment payments from a custom form when they check out on your website. ARB will take care of the rest -- automatically processing the transactions going forward based on the schedule provided.


What Are the Benefits of ARB?

  • Improved Billing Efficiency

    Once a subscription begins, there's no additional work from you. Both you and your client get an automated message when subsequent transactions are processed, and you can update your settings and pricing at any time.

  • Increased Security

    ARB eliminates the need to store sensitive data on your computer, so there is less risk of your customer's information being accessed without authorization.

  • Enhanced Customer Loyalty

    You can provide customer's with a flexible, no-hassle billing plan using either their preferred credit card or an eCheck. They won't have to worry about on-time payments - and neither will you.

  • Reduced Costs

    ARB eliminates many of the costs associated with manual billing and requires no additional per transaction fee. You can more effectively keep track of credit card expirations with automated email notifications.


If you choose ARB when you are signing up for your merchant account, there is no additional set-up fee. If you want to add this feature to your current account, please call 800-326-9897 or email